SAVE MUNDO RAVERS - This is serious!
ATTENTION this is serious!
Message from Gheo Ravers:
Ricky "MUNDO" (creator of dance moves like Follow Thru and Sassa Step, a member of the popular dance group RAVERS CLAVAS), NEEDS 22 million jamaican dollars (ca 1,7 milj kronor) for a kidney transplant ASAP!! The Doctors says tha he only has a few weeks left :( YOU can save his life and donate at Scotia Bank, account # 922670.
God answers prayers so who can pray just pray and who can donate please do so.
Please spred this to your friends!
Just nu sitter vi här hemma i kylan, men vi har inget att klaga på. Mundo från Ravers Clavers ligger på sjukhus i Jamaica och inväntar sin bortgång ifall inte en transplantation kan ske snarast! DU kan hjälpa honom, berätta för dina vänner och donera. Din gåva kan rädda hans liv, alla för en!! Scotia Bank, account # 922670.
Our biggest respect to Mundo and his fam & Ravers, may this just be a little setback of all the many days u will continue to experience in this lifetime.
BLESS // Enough - Swedish Fam