Danjah, Queline Enough & FireDiBlackz @ Sean Paul concert in Oslo pt 2

After basically 3 hours of training and putting together the performance, this is what we came up with :)
I think it went well considering that we've never done this before and the people loved it! BESIDES the little misshap on the daggaring part.. HAHAH u'll seee.. This is why we don't usually dagga :D
But personally, we kicked ass anyways! Haha.. So here it is people... BENDY !
Sean Paul himself was arrajt, I mean he is S P but we had much higher expectations on his performance. Was also wondering if he had new dancers? Dont get me wrong they were good (!) but his dancers he had before has been waay better! Trust me Steph got the dancers under supervision and she insisted that it was muuch better before, more charisma. Anyways his new haircut, NOT WORKING, haha stick to the braids man, no matter how early 2000 it is... The mohawk on a man his age with that apperance, sorry but not so flattering.
Anyways, atleast we got hyped up by his intro where u hear Chi Ching voice :) nice!
The CREW - Queline from Enough, Fire Di Blackz and Danjah!
After the perfomance we ate and chilled backstage, then we went to the hotel to chill and go to the afterparty but we decided not to since we hade to get up 3 hours later to leave for the airport. All n all the performance and trip was nice :) Minus the delayed plane, the "rasist" costums, waiting for the soundcheck, the guards around the backstage area (a whole other story which we wont share) and the diva like behaviour from certain people :/ it was AAAAALL GOOD in do hooood!!

Danjah, Queline Enough & FireDiBlackz @ Sean Paul concert in Oslo pt 1

On our way to Oslo the controllers were protestin so our plane got delayed 3 hours, half the plane left and took the train or sumthin and JacQie was sleeping almost the whole time so she hardly even noticed...

And this was the food they said we got as compensation for the delayed flight HAHA, breakfeast anyone?
We got off the plane, happy to finally be in Norway, and then JacQie remembered she forgot her bag on the plane, so that took another half hour!
And the most hilarious part was when they, of all people, stopped the black foreign guy AND a mulatto pregnant swedish woman in the costums, looking at her asking: Are u from Sweden? While checkin her passport. SERIOUSLY, did she look like a terrorist and since when does the terrorists coem from Sweden??!! Must have been a question bout race :/
After all that hussle our driver came to pic us up and we finally reached the Grand Hotel in Oslo, got some rest, went on a little shopping spree and got ready for the soundcheck.
Our soundcheck... GOSH, they never make any space for the dancers ever, but we're not just anyone so we DEMANDED our space :D A quick shower at the hotel, got ready and off to the concert...

Ouh my good... Taking it too far!

HAHA... OH MY GOD! Heading home last week from an hour training before the Oslo show and saw this on the train... C'MON! Technology and greeeedyness (if that's even a word), this is when it has gone to far!!
[Text us your prayers] - The Swedish Church
Btw, soon u'll get the update bout Oslo :) The blogcome might be ovaa...

Too tired to blog...

... And we have too much to update! sorry pople.. Hope that we get more sleep soon :)

OSLO & SEAN PAUL.. Here we come!

Yoo early morning ova here. like 6 in tha moorning! Heading for the airport, JacQ n Steph from Enough, Danjah and FireDiBlackz will be in OSLO tonight at the SEan Paul consert :)
Put the show together one day ago basically, so wish us luck :D SEE YOU TONIGHT NORWAY.. Here u got the event poon facebook!!

Tomorrow night NUH LINGA - Rep weh u come from n bring yuh flag!

Yeees people... Imorgon kör vi, NUH LINGA is back! Blå Bodarna, Slussen. Money Dream Sound med Keon och Mike, garanterat goood vibez! Kanske till och med får lite finbesök från Sveriges Dancehall Queen som är uppe och härjar i Sthlm :)
Denna gång ska alla ta med sig en flagga och representera!! AQCES kommer bjuda på Rep Weh U Come From showen, samma tema som festen, passade va?! Så alla som är 18 and over.. Eller har falsklegg *HOOOST HOOOST* (sånt supportar inte vi :) ) come n join the party in time.
Och ta med er cash för ibland så tar dem inte kort!
VÄGBESKRIVNINGEN hittar ni HÄR - för det är lättare än ni tror att hitta dit AIIGHT! See you tomorrow! // Enough

SAVE MUNDO RAVERS - This is serious!

ATTENTION this is serious!
Message from Gheo Ravers:
Ricky "MUNDO" (creator of dance moves like Follow Thru and Sassa Step, a member of the popular dance group RAVERS CLAVAS), NEEDS 22 million jamaican dollars (ca 1,7 milj kronor) for a kidney transplant ASAP!! The Doctors says tha he only has a few weeks left :( YOU can save his life and donate at Scotia Bank, account # 922670.
God answers prayers so who can pray just pray and who can donate please do so.

Please spred this to your friends!
Just nu sitter vi här hemma i kylan, men vi har inget att klaga på. Mundo från Ravers Clavers ligger på sjukhus i Jamaica och inväntar sin bortgång ifall inte en transplantation kan ske snarast! DU kan hjälpa honom, berätta för dina vänner och donera. Din gåva kan rädda hans liv, alla för en!! Scotia Bank, account # 922670.
Our biggest respect to Mundo and his fam & Ravers, may this just be a little setback of all the many days u will continue to experience in this lifetime.
BLESS // Enough - Swedish Fam

Interview with ENOUGH [Till Sandra och alla andra]

Following in swedish, since the interview is written in sweeedish :)
Sorry, but if u want us to translate sumthing, let us know...
Fick en kommentar för att tag sen av Sandra som ville veta mer om oss personligen.
Vi ska skriva ihop något allihopa men här kommer vi en bit på vägen i alla fall.

2 Calm down the nervs!

This song sure calms down my nerves in need, the intrumental gives u ure own space 2 hav ure own thoughts! Enjoy... //Big Moma Out n restin

Lur grejer!!!

Nee men  SLUUUUTA!!!! jag har suttit ett tag nu här med datorn på mitt knä o gjort ett Jädrans jobbigt IQ-test bara för ATT!!! var lite nyfiken på vad det ungefär kan ligga på vid dagsläget.....
Kände mig skiiiit stressad då det gick på tiid och jag verkligen var tvungen att fokusera mig då d va en jädrans massa Geometri grejer... så hjälpte det inte att min Kusin Lezlie samt Jacqie höll på o skicka meddelanden på Facebook Chatten så den där flik grejen längre upp på rutan "blinkade" konstant... Sen när jag blir klaar, DÅ VILL DEM HEEELT SERIÖST ATT JAG SKA BETALA 300 KR FÖR ATT FÅ SVARET SKICKAT TILL MIN MOBIL! E DEM HEELT SERIIIÖSA.... 300KR....


AAAAÄÄÄEEJ d tror jag inte va!!!   vet nu iaf att jag e tillräckligt smart för att inte betala 300kr för att ta reda på vad mitt IQ (enligt dem) är.....

//Big Moma Out n Smart! hej då

Vad Gör en Låt Dancehall?

Det Finns copy Cats inom alla musik Genres MEN Dancehall, hahaha No.1 Copy Cat (anser jag iaf)
Jag klagar iaf inte... Däremot så undrar jag vad som gör en Låt Dancehall...

Denna Låt som ett bra exempel,  Jag tycker jag att det låter som en RnB låt bara att det är Vybz som kör på Riddimet, så är det då artisten som avgör vad det är för genre? går ju inte, då det finns artister som kör på olika...
Men iof så verkar all musik vara lite förvirrat.. men vet ju inte vad saker o ting är för nått längre, det är ju som detta om *Fusion* som jag tog upp tidigare (på Facebook iaf) dancehall Fusion, Hip hop fusion, break dance fusion, flamenco fusion och vad nu annat det finns inom dans.. Majoriteten av Musiken e ju inte riktigt klar så det är klart att det blir svårt att dansa då...  svårt att Sätta fingret på det Liksom  =/  Aaech då! 

(Ta inte detta bokstavligen nu mina damer o Herrar, detta är bara någonting generellt som jag själv anser, också dålig på att förklara mig tydligt i ett o annat, men ni förstår nog på ett ungefär)
//Big Moma

Ok! Jag har nu bliivit Livrädd!

Ni som känner mig VET att jag är suuper Seg okej okej TRÖÖG när det kommer till Musik i huvudtaget! Ytterst sällan som jag känner en låt på en gång, det kan ta mig MÅÅNADER innan jag reagerar, vilket gör att jag ALLTID är efter.. Vilket jag faktiskt struntar i, trots att folk ändå tycker att det är kul att påminna mig om hur efter jag e... BITE ME! :p
Nu Har Jag blivit Livrädd! Jag har hört detta Riddim förr och sett mina Kompanjoner Queline & Alex Köra deras Koreografi till en utav låtarna till Detta Riddim, men det är inte förrens Nuuu som jag jag Blev livrädd! it kills.. Jag blir super hypead, och senarios och koreografier bara flöödar runt i huvudet (Kan man säga såå)?

In English:  It Kills!

  //Big Moma

Tonight we'll chill.... But next SATURDAY - NUH LINGA

Event pon facebook
As u see our students will be there givin u a performance :) SEE Y'ALL THERE!

Testin, Testin... Brain wats happenin up there!?

Sorry ppl but am takin this in swedish: u can copy it and translate it on the net ;)

Så Idag, Frågade en av Mina underbara tjejer från min tjejgrupp i Tumba om hjälp med hennes hemma prov..
Hon skickade ena frågan som handlade om Hjärnan, frågan kortfattat löd "Om en persons Högra hjärnhalva domineras, hur är den personen då?

Jag började då direkt inveckla hela grejen för stackarn som ville göra det lite mer simpelt, under den processen upptäckte jag att GIIRL din Vänstra Hjärnhalva är SÅÅÅÅ Dominant! Läskigt för det är inte riktigt alltid så jag ser mig själv, men Fan det stämmer, eller?....

Man kanske kan använda hjärnan 50/50 att inte riktigt den ena dominerar den andra..
MEN... Jag anser mig själv använda mig mer av den högra men dock då jag väl gör det ska jag inveckla saker som då kommer från den Vänstra, så jag är väll mer öppen o mottaglig av Högra men Min vänstra avgör i slutändan....

Nee men Vänstra it is!!!
a men ni ser nu går det förlångt....

Check it, ganska kul faktiskt!
Fred Kärlek & Välsignelser//Big Moma Steph

Funktioner som hör till vänstra hjärnhalvan:
använder logik
fakta styr
ord och språk
nutid och dåtid
matematik och vetenskap
ordning, mönster

Funktioner som hör till högra hjärnhalvan:
symboler och bilder
nutid och framtid
filosofi och religion
spatial perception

Full rulle för Enough

Idag har det varit full rulle för Enough, två intervjuer och ett möte. Kul att veta att det man gör uppskattas och att folk vill ta del utav de :) Senare i veckan kommer vi posta en av intervjuerna så ni får lära känna oss lite bättre! Be on the look out...
Måste bara berätta snabbt, vi satt på Max och chillade lite så kommer en man fram till Steph och lämnar ett litet häfte:
HAHAHHA, why did he give it to her, did she look like she needed christ in her life? :D

JIM SCREECHIE - Dancehall a run tings again | SPICE

Ok, this riddim is soooo nice. Alex came home with it in september and it's hitting BIG. And they just finished the medley video.

The medley starts of with T.O.K [Craigy T], we met him when they we're in Sweden but the photo was so dark u couldn't see shit :) So u just have to believe our word for it. It was fun cuz we started to talk about Jamaica and how Craigy T resemble a "friend" of ours. He was laughing sayin it wasn't the first time people asked if their related or sumthin. Then we got into how they were workin at the studio next to our house Back A Yard, but we never visited. Felt lame to hang in the studio just becuz they we're there, and we told him that. He was like, No, you should've come by, next time u have to, promise! We promised.

Anyways we hear Craigy T singin "Dancehall a run tings again..." - Well we f***ing need dancehall to run tings, STOP SHUTTING DOWN DI DANCHEALL PARTIES!!!

Back to the riddim, after T.O.K it's J.O.E - Smokin up som threes, n sings about how he haffi blaze :) Then it's TIMBERLEE singing "We love dance like shoes loves socks..." - Hahah, fyndigt as we would say in swedish :D KEMIKAL goes "Lalalalaaa la la la lalaa, and the old gallis story, him baby motha wex"- Dis is not the best one of the bunch :/ SHANZ brining a little soulish r&b vibe to the riddim, quite nice, "Come closer to me bwooy". VERSATILE doin it dancehall mode "Eyh girl, tek di dancefloor n wine up"

SPICE MAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!! SHE MURDER EVERYBODY ELSE -  "Secret love ouh it feel good soo, nobody haffi kno between me n yuh, sccccccchhhhh, jump di backfence, caah mi neighbour aah pree". SÅÅÅÅÅJA SPICE!!!! And last but not least RDX, doin what they do with their "Bubble bubble bubble, wibble woobble wibble, back it up and wine it up girl". But seriously, they have to start singing about the swedish people soon, äääh it will come :)
Ouh just to be clear, the lyrics above is just from di songs, it's not the name of di tunes :) Btw you also have Beenie Man - Beat Dem Badd and Aidonia - Jackhammer on the riddim. Look it up! And here is the bahind the scene footage of the music video medley. Check out the end! hahha..

Headin for Blue Mountains... ? - 23 jan PART 1

wWoke up feeling adveturous so we thought let's go to the Blue Mountains. On the way there...
A real Island Grill.. Stew anyone?
Hm... Bettie "Anybody want's some" with the orange crumbles around her mouth ;)
Stephie goes "I dont really like CheezeZillas."
Everybody's reaction: ERRRRRRH??? WTF!
Niki had to stop the car!! WHO does not LOVE the zillas, my god!
We found JacQie's car on the way. Thank god, thought it was gone forever since that midget stole it. Ok, we thought maybe she should've just let him have it, since she doesnt even fit in it... LOONGLEGS *moahhhahhaa*.
Hahaa! Bcuz of our "low-rider" we had to walk instead. Bettie's african vibe came out n she carried the waterbottle on her head.
Niki got distracted.
Heading home before dark... Cuz we had a dinner to attend to... And cook/make. Yepp, TACO night was on at Lady Sarahs house! On the way there we saw a man chillin pon di road, in a couch. Haha, had to snap a photo in the speed.
Yepp, while some of us were...
The rest of us...
Dinner was awesome, but we all were craaaazy tired...
Well we all needed a good powernap cuz...

STULLA SATURDAYS nu på lördag..

"Mavado Explains; The Stulla-and an obvious definition is that a ‘Stulla’ is a man whose sexual prowess is unquestionable..."

Join us at STULLA Saturdays tomorrow at Blå Bodarna Slussen (same place as AWOH, road description). And guys u know it's gonna be good music and alot of dancin, with DJ YANGSTAR & SELECTA KEON.
Dancehall and reggae lovers, roll out!

Saturday 6/11 fr. 22-03
Plats: Blå Bodarna 16, Blå gången, Slussen
Entrance: 100 kr

Queline Enough & Melpo Mellz Double Trouble

AQceS SHOW tonight and little Dancehalloween clip

Hello! How u dooin (saying it like Joey in Freinds)!
Tonight AQceS Dancers will perform again. We got a call two days ago and they needed a good show asap, so ofcourse AQceS will deliver, "DancehallOween", here we go!!
Hej allihop! Tänkte försöka skriva på svenska så ofta det går oxå, för alla er latmaskar som inte pallar... Ikväll ska AQceS Dancerz köra igen. Vi fick ett samtal för två dagar sen och dem behövde en show på en gång, så självklart kommer AQceS att leverera "DancehallOween" en gång till. Nu kör vi :D
Here is a litte clip from last saturday.. Enjoy!

Chekkazz brought all dancers together...

...atleast for a while, look at this clip from limelight, tell me WHEN did you see di dancers all together like this?

A nice friday pon di beach, pon di corner, pon limelight

This day was all about doin nothing but chiiiilll with nice ppl!
Good food pon di beach
It's a nice sunday evening, a cool afternoon, nobody has to work, no nobody goes to school, sidung pon di corner, joke around n act a fool, "sumthin sumthin" play domino and Alex is playing poool...
All the names of the members (or the has beens) of Ravers Clavers pon di closet
Just takin it easy all day, made us quite tired but we went out anyways and it turned out to be a good night even though many people stayed at home. Probably bcuz of the crazy night before, (weddy, passa passa, mumzell, street team). I mean even if the dancers ova dere party all the time, they also need to take a break. Well some of them atleast.. Exhausted or not, u ain't got time to sleep when ur in Jamaica, nto if ur the Swedish Fam!
Enough pon di road
Shizzle Sherlock & Niki
Queline, Mike DJ Yangstar, Alex @ Limelight  don't we look all matchy
And as usual...
Xpression, Shelly Belly & BoneCrusher where keeping the party going, even when most people lef...
Hahaha.. Bonecrusher couldn't MANAGE, he caaaaaaaaan't manage. Shelly Belly is crazy, notice how he moves to the freakin beat while doin di dagga pon 3 girls. His hairdo says it all!

THE STIFF - He was a worthless guy... ;)

This is a hilarious clip from the first year we were in Jamaica. After taking a swim with the dolphins in Negril we had to dance to get warm. The dolphin intructors joined in... OH MY GOD, ketch our move THE STIFF and us trying to do paranoid and gallis swing, which was new steps at the time. HAHAHHA... C'mon ppl we got it doown good, learning jamaican how fi dweet dancehall :D GOOD!

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